All Of Us Are Dead Review : Absolutely Fantastic!

Image Courtesy : Den of Geek     Image Source : Google     Licensed To : Netflix

I've seen many Zombie movies but this show really stands out. The fact that this a show rather than a movie makes it even more special. The makers have done a superb job in creating this magnificent show. This is totally binge worthy, once you start the first episode it's super hard to stop watching until you finish it, it's that good. The show has 12 episodes each episode is around an hour long. But surprisingly you crave for more after the end of each episode.

The direction is absolutely fantastic, the performances by all the actors are top notch. You simply fall in love with so many characters in this show. The character development of each character is as good as it gets. It's quite amazing to see so many great actors in one show. Each and every actor in this show deserves an award. You just forget that you are watching bunch of actors acting, you believe that these are real characters and you feel what they feel. 

On the technical aspects, the cinematography is of the highest quality, they have captured the soul of the show through the camera. Some of the shots in the show are clap worthy. The background score is amazing too, just like The Squid Game, the background score for this show also remains with you, even after fishing it. Visual effects are pretty good and the action is quite incredible. Specially some of the fight scenes are brutal and expertly choreographed. Special mentions to all the extras who have acted as Zombies in this one. Some of the Zombie scenes will blow your mind. Not because of the gore but how realistic the scenes look. I don't know how the makers achieved such top class visuals. You've to see it to believe it. 

The show has everything, action, drama, love stories and the horror element. This is a complete package and one of the best shows I've seen in recent times. I don't know if they are going to make a second season or not but I'll be more than happy to watch the second season. For now just watch the show on Netflix, it's a must watch. Strongly recommended.

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